John Tubb

SOURCE: W. Stuart Harris "Heritage of Perry County"

pp 41-41 -"John Tubb was born in Orange County, SC, on August 6, 1758. He first enlisted in the SC Troops in September, 1775, as a private; he again enlisted, for a tour of 3 months duty, in the summer of 1776 in a NC volunteer unit; he enlisted again in the spring of 1779; and enlisted as a scout and spy for several tours of duty in 1779 and 1780. He was in several engagements and was wounded in the right arm and side at the battle of King's Mountain.

"After the war, Tubb lived in both North and South Carolina, and in TN, coming to Perry County around the year 1817 with the earliest settlers. He was one of the five men chosen by the Alabama Legislature on December 13, 1819, to select a site for a courthouse.

"He was a member of the Presbytery which formed the Oakmulgee Baptist Church in June 1820. He filed for his pension on October 24, 1832, and the last payment was received by his attorney on December 23, 1834. He died September 9, 1836 in Perry County."
[end Harris quotes]

in RE fn16: Kat Davis wrote 20 Mar 1997 that there were TWO Richard Tubb; one married Margaret Davidson; one married Nancy Underwood. Contact her for clarification, Harris does not distinguish. Kat writes that, in the main, the above is correct for the Richard Tubb who married Margaret Davidson. (fpm)

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