Dr.Emanuel R. Schowalter

Albert Burton Moore, Ph. D. (author & editor)

Dr. Emanuel R. Schowalter was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Came to Alabama as a young man and settled in Uniontown, Alabama.

He gained much fame as a physician and surgeon, but it was as a naturalist that he gained his greatest distinction. His reputation in this highly specialized field reached all over the civilized world. He was the founder of the Schowalter Museum of Natural History at the University of Alabama, donating 100,000 specimens to this museum, and the remainder of his collection of specimens, totaling over 1,000,000 were donated by his heirs.

Dr. Schowalter. His tombstone shows that he was born Aug. 19, 1808 in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and died Nov. 10, 1889 in Point Clear, Alabama. As he settled first in Uniontown, Alabama

His wife was Alice McReynolds, whose mother was married to Jesse G. Cole (listed on the Perry County pages; information there from Stuart Harris' book is actually information on Jesse M. Cole who is buried in Hopewell Cemetery; Jesse G. Cole died in 1863, according to will in Perry County courthouse, and grave has not been located.)

submitted: July 2001 by Bonnie Mitchell
and more - May 2002; Bonnie has some corrections and found an obit for Jesse G. Cole

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