UNION GROVE [The West Colbert News, Cherokee, Friday, 4 Jun 1915, p. 4]

     The farmers are all getting along nicely with their crops. There is some cotton chopping going on, while there are some still planting. We all hope to get better prices this fall for our cotton. But there is little hope of it, as it just looks like war has just begun. We all shall be glad when we can hear all crying out peace and let ever nation be free and still.
     Well, dear friend, good old summer time has come at last and I am sure each and very one of us are glad to welcome it, as picnics and protracted meetings will soon be at hand and a joyful time will be had.
     We are having a good Sunday School each Sunday evening at 3 o’clock and preaching almost every Sunday. Rev. J. F. Smith preached a fine sermon last Sunday at 11 o’clock. Our pastor Rev. S. E. Maples preached at 3 o’clock. We did not have a very good crowd, as there was Children’s Day at Snowdown and all of the young people went over.
     I want to say we are certainly glad we are going to have a new paper and we want to hear from all goad [sic] friends.
     Miss Elizabeth Smith and Mr. Chas. Worsham visited Miss Ollie Abel Saturday.
     Miss Sue Bray, of Carytown, was a pleasant visitor at Mrs. Mary Abel’s Tuesday.
     Mr. Riley Abel seems to be interested at Union Grove, Wonder why?
     Mr. Thomas Roberts looks lonely, Wonder why?
     Mrs. Bettie Vadan visited her mother Mrs. Nan Maxwell.
     Mrs. Jane Hilton is visiting her daughter Mrs. Annie Perkins, near Riverton.
     Mr. Clyde Stanford has moved to the Section House.
     Mr. Bill Helton left for Big Ben Monday
     Mr. Thomas Roberts has left Mr. R. P. Abel’s and gone back home.

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