The community of Kirk no longer exists. It was located north of Cherokee.

KIRK, ALA. [The West Colbert News, Friday, 18 Jun 1915, p. 4]

          We are so glad that we have a home paper, though I haven’t subscribed for the paper but will do so later. I think the paper will be a great help to merchants and farmers, for I don’t think one could exist without the other. It seems to me that the majority of the town people are beginning to realize and look upon the farmers more now than ever. Oh! The country with its many freedoms, and sun burnt boys and girls, cheeks all aglow with health. Dear old orchards with branches bending down with fruit, birds singing, flowers blooming and a great many other things to attract our attention. Then when summer arrives we still have work to do, canning and preserving fruit, which is very worrisome. But when Winter comes we are well repaid for our trouble by eating the nice fruit put up in the summer.
          Well, I suppose that is enough on that subject.
          We are having a great deal of sickness in our neighborhood.
          There was children’s Day at Old Moontown last Sunday June 13th.
All reported a nice time. But in the afternoon when we were all dismissed and started home a cloud came up and the people that lived close by got home all right, but those that lived some distance waited at some ones home until the clouds passed over and the rain ceased.
          Well as this is my first attempt I will close for this time, if this is printed will endeavor to do better next time.

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