Butler County, Alabama

Welcome Baptist Church

Submitted by Mildred Stinson Brown

The following is an excerpt from Rev. J. W. Joyner's book A History of the Baptists in Butler County ( 1819-1957):

When Bethel moved from its old site to its present one, the community which is known now as the "Welcome Community," not far way, began to hold Sunday School under the big oak trees in front of the J. C. KERVIN home. Wade MOSLEY was superintendent of the school and Mrs. Houston KERVIN was secretary. Mrs. J. C. KERVIN met the writer on a Georgiana street, and told him of the Sunday School and the interest manifested by the people in the community, and gave him an invitation to attend the group and preach for them. This invitation was accepted and as a result of this meeting and others, on January 7th, 1934, under the direction of J. W. JOYNER and J. B. BYRD, the Welcome Church was organized with teh following members: Mr. and Mrs. J. C KERVIN, Mr. and Mrs. Houston KERVIN, Herbert KERVIN, Sumon KERVIN, Woodrow KERVIN, Miss Myra KERVIN, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. WYROSDICK, Hugh WYROSDICK, Mrs. Voncile SIMS, Mrs. Ida Maye DAVIS, Miss Ethel GILMORE, Miss Annie Clyde WATFORD, Miss Wilma WATFORD, Mrs. J. N. GIPSON, Mrs. Grady GIPSON, and Purnell KERVIN. 

Following is a list of the pastors: J. W. JOYNER, M. C. GRIFFIN, Cleave ELLIS, Johnny HIGDON, C. W. WINTER, Nez SELLERS, J. E. SKIPPER, Wilson SHELL, Billy ARMSTRONG, and Raymond Earl OWENS. 

In the twenty-two years since the church was organized, fifty-eight have been baptized into the fellowship of the church, and the present membership is fifty-seven. The Sunday School has on roll forty-five and an average attendance of thirty. The Training Union had thirty-eight on roll, with an average attendance of twenty-five. This church has also a W. M. U., with ten members on roll and an average attendance of eight.

Welcome Church is loyal and faithful to all the work of the Association.

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