William Carroll Hester's Civil War letter

The State of Ala.
Lawrence Co.
April 18th. 1864

Dear beloved wife

I take my pen in hand to let you know how I am getting along
I am well as present and a doing very well
I hope when these few lines come to hand once more we are at Hill Burrogh
on the Rail Road about tenn mils from Decatur they say there are seven thousand yankys
in Decatur we saddle up this morning to go hav a fight
the yankys went bac and did not hav any fight.
I expect we will hav fighting to do hear
we left Georgia the 6th of Aprile and got hear the 16th
all of our boys ar well
S R and R B are well and a doing very well
I would to hear from you very well to know how your Pa was geting along with his crop
I would like to know what J A BOLTON sas a doing
I want to know what all is a going on in the contry.
I hant received but one letter sinc I was at home
I want to see you very bad
I dont know when I will get to come home to see you
the yankys is as thick as black birds up hear.
my prays is for peace once more in our land so we can liv togher as we have once before
I want you to do the same and pray to God to pardon our sins and your Dear Husband will do the same
writ soon as no more only
I remain your tru Husband untill death

the 4th Ala. Cav Co. E
Johns Brigade E J Oden Company Capt.






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