Personal Columns from The American Star
An African American Newspaper
Published bi-weekly on Wednesdays in Tuscumbia, Colbert County, AL.
Professor G. W. Trenholm, Ph. B., M. S., was the Editor;
and, his wife, Mrs. G. W. Trenholm, was the Associate Editor

This newspaper is full of information about the African American Community of Northwest AL. These transcriptions, presented here in chronological order, are those columns that talk about the people, their comings and goings, their births, marriages, and deaths. This is an on-going project, and will be added to as time permits.

All issues for the month of Jan 1901 are missing.

The American Star,
Tuscumbia, Wednesday, 6 Feb 1901, p. 2
Miss Katie Griffin was in Florence on Jan. 26.
Miss Lizzie Peters was in the city last Saturday.
We regret to chronicle the illness of Mr. John Tompkins.
Miss L. K. Brown opened school at Hawkin’s Creek last Monday.
Please pay your subscription. It takes money to publish this paper.
Mr. Homer Jones made a flying trip to Iuka, Miss., a few days ago.
Miss K. C. Harris, of Florence, was in the city on Jan. 27, the guest of
     Miss J. F. Meredith.
Harper is delighted to know that his letter was read with so much interest
     by the boys and girls.
Rev. Jas. Hampton spent Friday night last with the editor. He preached at
     Cave Springs last Sunday.
Mr. D. W. Austin has recently purchased an excellent upright piano for
     his girls, who are delighted to have it.
Messrs. J. C. Carruthers and N. T. Perkins, who are in business here,
     should be supported by the colored people.
Miss J. B. Towns has an excellent school in the Ricks settlement, and
     the people there have a good Christian teacher.
Rev. V. Washington, P. E. of the C. M. E. Church for this district, held
     his quarterly conference here on the 27th ult.
A number of Tuscumbians attended the 35th anniversary birthday
     celebration of Mr. F. Ashford at Courtland, on the 1st inst.
Mrs. Wass Ross and her daughters, Misses Julia and Etta, attended
     the funeral of Mr. Henry Patton at Florence on the 26th ult.
Rev. D. P. Moore, P. E. of the Florence district visited and addressed
     the city school the 30th ult. The address was good and practical.
Mr. J. C. Carruthers is quite happy and full of smiles since the return
     of his “better half.” She has been away more than a month visiting
     friends and relatives in Clayton, Dothan and other points. She was
     accompanied by Miss Rebecca James.
The Ci-- ---- ------ool Temperates Society ha-- ----- --- the following officers:
     M—M. B. Towns, president; Miss K. C. Fussell, vice-president;
     Miss A. L. Bradley, secretary; Miss A. L. Austin, assistant secretary;
     Miss T. B. Goodloa, treasurer; Mrs. G. W. Trenholm, critic.
     The society meets monthly. [--- represents a hole in the paper.]
Rev. W. T. Bibb, B. D., of Bessemer, will visit Tuscumbia and other points in this
     section in the near future. He will lecture at different places, and organize
     Galilean Fisherman orders. Brethern, receive him freely. He is no imposter.
     He is an honest, Christian hero, and whatever he sees fit to represent,
     is all right. We have known hi for years, and know whereof we speak.
     We shall appreciate all courtesies shown him in North Alabama.

The American Star
20 Feb 1901, p. 2
Editorials and Personals.
Read Prof. Levi’s letter. It is good news to the friends of the N. A. B. academy.
A great meeting to be held at Decatur. Read the program in this issue and
     get ready to attend.
Can you thruthfully [sic] say at the close of each day‑‑‑“I have been active
     today, I have avoid temptation and have done my duty?”
Stay out of the saloons and save your money. The colored man is too poor
     to spend his money for whiskey.
Mr. W. P. Burgess, of Russellville is a worthy example for our people.
     Through industry, thrift and economy he has acquired property to the
     amount of $5,000 or $6,000.
Rev. P. Y. Moten, of Bessemer, has been elected missionary of the
     Jefferson County District association. He is the honored treasurer of
     the New Era State Sunday School convention.
Rev. J. W. Edwards, pastor of the Baptist church at Corinth, Miss.,
     preached at the Baptist church at Sheffield on the 13th inst. He will
     solicit subscribers for the Star. Give him your subscription.
Strive to place before your boys and girls high ideals. Not of style and dress
     but of manhood and womanhood. Have them hunger and thirst for right
     principles rather than fine dress. Make them beautiful within.
The Selma Record wisely says: “Stay at home, buy land, make friends with the
     white man and education your children to earn an honest living, read and write,
     do some kind of business, save, plan and think, and last but not least, to keep
     clear of bad company, seek with special effort the company of the good and
     live up to the Golden Rule.”
EX. Gov. W. C. Oates, in a recent interview in connection with his candidacy
     for the constitutional convention, expressed the following views concerning
     the colored voter. Said he: ”The disfranchisement of the whole negro race
     would be unwise and unjust. They constitute a large minority of our state
     population‑‑‑‑‑over 800,000. Among them are many honest, industrious and
     good citizens, capable of fairly understanding the issues of a campaign and
     for what they would be called upon to vote.
     “Such men are patriotic. When volunteers are wanted to fight our battles
     they furnish their quota. Some have acquired property, and pay their taxes,
     but the great mass of them are propertyless and utterly ignorant of the
     fundamental principles of government, and the ballot is a weapon which they
     know not how to use for their own good or the good of any one else. The
     ballot is an injury to such men. But if you make intelligence and good character
     the test of the right to vote, you present an incentive to every many, without
     regard to color, who aspires to full pledged citizenship, to require intelligence,
     whether he has any book learning or not, and to establish a good character
     among his neighbors; and no man possessed of those should be denied the
     right to vote in all elections. Such qualifications as I have briefly stated above
     are practicable, and would elevate and tend to purify the suffrage by eliminating
     the corrupt, the densely ignorant and purchasable, who, under the present
     constitution have the right to vote.”‑‑‑Florence Times.
The Star’s representative stopped in to see Profs. Morgan and Abernathy on
     the 16th inst. They are doing a good work, but they are in great need of
     a suitable school house at Leighton.
We are in receipt of letters from the following pupils from the N. A. B.
     Academy: Arthur Barton, James Carter, Jane Troupe, Reaner Oliver
     and Charles Parker. The letters are interesting and well written. They show
     that the boys and girls are being well taught at the school.
We have just had the pleasure of reading the address recently delivered to
     the State Teachers’ Association, of Iowa, by Prof. W. H. Council, PH. D.,
     president of the A. and M. College, Normal, Ala. “Negro Character As it is,”
     was the subject of the address, and same is worth reading time and again
     by those who desire to see the negro as he is. The address is strong, scholarly,
     eloquent, manly and philosophical. Prof. Councill has made a special study
     of the negro and he is prepared to present facts and figures to show the
     negro as he is, which is rarely done by public speakers. The address was
     heartily received and was published in full by the Iowa State Register,
     of Des Moines. The Freeman, of the 9th inst. published the complete address
     also. This statement is taken from the speech:
          “It is the business of our common schools, of our colleges, our universities,
          our religious institutions, of our public prints, our public speakers, of our
          government itself to lift up the three fold nature of the youth of the land far
          above the negro problem, far above the Caucasian problem, to the broad
          plain of Christian manhood.”

The American Star
20 Feb 1901, p. 2
Rev. Jas. Hapton and Mr. Wm. P. Burgess, of Russellville, passed through
     the city on the 14th inst.
Mr. Gardner says that every time he attends the B. Y. P. U. he learns
     something new.
Trade with those who advertise in this paper.
Miss Mary E. Hosedove and Master Malcolm Frye were on the sick list
     a few days last week.
Rev. C. Croyton filled the pulpit at Waterloo on the 10th. He has been called
     to the pastorate of the church there.
Mrs. Mary Minor is on the sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery.
Teachers of public schools will please call around at Lueddemann & Co.
We regret to record the illness of Mrs. Cary Goodloe.
Prof. Morgan was in the city last Saturday.
For real good and nice shoes in all grades go to Lueddenmann & Co.
Mrs. Eliza Wilson, of Florence, spent last Sunday and Monday in the city.
20 and 25 per cent off on all Capes, Jackets, Wraps and all other
     winter goods at Lueddemann & Co.
Please pay your subscription.
Miss L. K. Brown came home from her school quite sick on the 14th.
     We trust that she may soon recover.
Lueddenmann & Co., of Tuscumbia, are now receiving a beautiful line
     of Spring Goods. Everything first class and at lowest cash prices. You are
     cordially invited to call around.
Rev. Craig and members deserve much credit for the recent improvement on
     the altar, pulpit and choir stand of the A. M. E. church, which makes it look
     fifty per cent better.
Mr. A. Middleton, one of the oldest members of the A. M. E. Church, died on
     the 16th. His funeral was attended from said church last Sunday by the
     pastor, Rev. Lesley.
Lueddemann & Co. sell goods cheaper than any other house and give
     handsome and useful premiums besides. Don’t fail to see them.
The C. M. E.’s rallied on last Sunday and raised a good sum. Rev. V. Washington,
     P. E., preached an excellent sermon for them at 11 a. m.
Messrs. Davis and Miles were in the city Sunday.
Rev. Northcross and Coleman recently made an extensive tour through
     south west Tennessee. They report a grand trip.
If Miss Ada Bradley continues as she has begun, she will some day be a
     specialist in drawing.
Mr. Martin East died on the 4th inst., and his funeral was attended from the
     Baptist church on the following day by the Rev. Northcross. He was a
     consistent Christian.
The editor and editress were in Florence on the 9th inst.
Rev. B. S. Williams, pastor of the A. M. E. church at Sheffield, preached
     a good sermon at the A. M. E. church the 10th inst. Rev. Williams was
     accompanied by Mr. Stinnett, of Sheffield.
Miss A. B. East has recently been called to a position as teacher in one of
     the schools of Lauderdale county. She is a graduate of our city school.
Mr. Jack Norman, who has been blind for several years, died on the 8th.
     His funeral was preached from the Baptist church by Revs. Watkins and Baker.
Lincoln’s birthday was appropriately celebrated in the city school on the
     12th inst. In the afternoon Mr. Wm. Miles, of the United Home Protective
     Association, and Mr. A. W. Davis, a student in Meharry Medical College,
     delivered practical addresses to the students. Messrs. Miles and Davis
     are graduates of the A. & M. College and Talladega College respectively.
Mr. Wm. Harris was in Florence on the 14th inst. On the same day he called
     at the editor’s desk and paid his subscription. Let others do likewise.
All are invited to the monthly mass meeting Thursday night, Feb. 28th, at the
     A. M. E. church to discuss “Negro Enterprise in North Alabama.”
     (a) Shall we have an insurance company? (b) How shall we run a newspaper?
     (c) Why the negro fails as a merchant. (d) Does the shoemaker meet present
     demands? (e) Shall we have an undertaker’s business? These will be
     discussed by Revs. Leslie, Northcross, Craig, Miles, Gaston, the editor, etc.
     At the last session of the mass meeting the following officers were elected:
     Rev. Wm. Corsig, president; Prof. G. W. Trenholm, vice-president;
     Miss M. C. Cooper, secretary; Miss C. Murphey, assistant;
     Rev. Wm. Hardy, treasurer. Everybody in Tuscumbia should attend the next meeting.
It is with much regret that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Rachel Pearsall,
     wife of J. L. Pearsall. She had suffered for two or three years with that
     much dreaded disease, eating cancer, and on Tuesday evening, Feb. 12,
     between the hours of two and three, she quietly passed away. The funeral
     services were conducted from the A. M. E. Church, by Rev. Craig. In her
     death the husband loses a devoted wife, the home a rare flower, the A. M. E.
     Church a Christian worker, the children a firm friend and the community at large
     a pure character. We extend deepest sympathy to the bereaved. Among
     those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mrs. Walker Smith
     of Huntsville; Revs. Johnson and Williams, of Sheffield; Mr. and Mrs. C.
     Jackson, of South Florence; Mrs. Roberts of Memphis, sister of the
     deceased, and Mr. Porter De Vere, of Arkansas, brother of the deceased.

The American Star
6 Mar 1901, p. 1
Please pay your subscription.
We are glad to see Mr. Forest Trimble out again after several weeks’ illness.
Mrs. R. B. Fry is having her house repaired preparatory to moving in very soon.
Miss L. K. Brown, who has been quite sick for two weeks, is much better
     at this writing.
Miss Anna Taylor, of Florence spent [a] portion of last week in the city,
     the guest of Miss M. C. Cooper.
Miss J. F. Ross was the guest of Miss A. Fornay at Barton last week.
Miss J. L. Finley spend several days of last week with Miss Marrie Ross
     at South Florence, Ala.
Mr. Joseph Towns of this city, and Miss Holmes, of Courtland, were quietly
     married on the 22nd ult.
Rev. A. Troupe filled the Baptist pulpit on Sunday week. He preached
     two very excellent sermons.
Mrs. Jessie Bently is working to purchase a lamp for the A. M. E. pulpit.
The mass meeting was poorly attended last Thursday night. The colored people
     of this city need to wake up and begin to think for themselves.
The lecture on the 19th ult. To the city school by Rev. V. Washington was
     indeed good.
Mr. D. Lacy, of Savannah, Tenn., is in the city. He is the guest of Rev. Coleman.
     [Coleman is the ‘best guess.’ Copy is too dark to read.]
Presiding Elder Moore has returned from south Alabama, where he has
     been visiting his people.
The C. M. E.’s have put out some beautiful trees around their church which add
     much to the looks of the property.
Miss Alice Fornay, of Barton, recently spent a few days in the city.
Many teachers were here taking examinations on Monday and Tuesday.
The Baptist Sunday school was well attended last Sunday and was addressed
     by Rev. Coleman. Prof. Trenholm was chosen as messenger to the institute
     at Decatur.
The teachers’ meeting convenes at The Baptist Church at 4 o’clock next
     Saturday afternoon.
Wm. Gist, one of the leading farmers of this county, runs a nice business at
     his home and sells many eatables.
Rev. I. H. Miller showed at the C. M. E. Church on Monday night.
We are informed that the blind company will give an entertainment at the
     A. M. E. Church next Friday night.
The entertainment given at the Friendship Hall on the 22nd ult. was of a
     high order of excellence. Miss Mer___ and her followers deserve much
     credit for the effort. This club is -----ing in buying an organ for the A. M. E. Church.
Miss Angeline Murphey, who has been on the sick list, is able to be out again.
We are always on hand with a nice stock of goods, ready to give good values
      in Shoes, Slippers and Hats. Come in and see us. We will do you good.
      Parlor Shoe Store, Tuscumbia, Ala.
Rev. S. M. Goodloe, of Barton, writes encouragingly of the American Star.
      He --- sent us a nice list of subscribers.
Luddenmann & Co., of Tuscumbia, --- now receiving a beautiful line of
     Spring Goods. Everything first class and at lowest cash prices. You are
     cordially invited to call around.

The American Star
6 Mar 1901, p. 2
Editorials and Personals
Prof. Sterling states that his school at Sheffield is in better working condition
     than ever before.
The Florence city school is crowded and progressing nicely under the able
      management of Profs. Wood and Hopkins and assistants.
Holland has 2200 miles of canals, or nine miles for each 100 square miles
     of her surface, and she needs them all, for drainage, at least.
We sympathize with Mrs. Hampton, the wife of Rev. Jas. Hampton, in the
     death of her aged father, Mr. Jack Vincent, which occurerd [sic] at her
     home at Russellville on the 21st ult. He died at the age of 78 years.
The Alabama State Teachers’ Association will hold its 20th annual session
     at Birmingham on April 10, 11, and 12, 1901. The meeting is to be a great
     one and every progressive teacher in the state should be in attendance.
The Carbon Hill Public School closes on the 15th inst. The editor has been
     invited to deliver the annual closing address. This is one of the leading
     schools of Walker county and Prof. D. E. Allmon, the principal, is one of
     Alabama’s progressive teachers.
We regret to announce that on last Friday night one of Mr. Lewis Waite’s
     boys was accidently killed at Florence. The boy was about fifteen years old
     and was a pupil of the Florence city school. He was killed by his brother,
     who was playing with a gun.

The Amercian Star
20 Mar 1901, p. 1
S. C. Carter was in the city on the 10th inst.
J. N. Sampson, of Tuscumbia, is now receiving a beautiful lie of Spring
     Goods. Everything first-class and at lowest cash prices. You are cordially
     invited to call around.
Rev. Northcross attended the institute at Decatur on the 8th and 9th inst.
Teachers of public schools will please call around at J. N. Sampson’s.
For real good and nice shoes in all grades, go to J. N. Sampson.
The city school is still in a flourishing condition.
Mrs. Sophy Watkins received a telegram a few days ago stating that her
     brother, at Pleasant Hill, MO., was dead. He left a wife and three children
     to mourn their loss.
Mayor Simpson, of Tuscumbia, has announced his candidacy for
     re-election as mayor. Editor Simpson’s administration has been eminently
     successful and he has demonstrated what business methods in a city’s
     government will do.‑‑‑Florence Herald.
Bill Towns was kicked by a mule a few days ago, but not seriously hurt.
The city election will be conducted on the first Monday in April. The present
     council should be re-elected. They have done much for Tuscumbia
     during the past two years. The city school tuition has been reduced
     from $2.25 to $1.00 per year, which means a great deal to our people.
     The school building has been beautifully painted and a new coal house
     and outhouses have been erected. The city to some extent has been lighted,
     the streets have been improved, the big spring has been cleansed, walled
     and protected, and in fact the condition of the city has been improved
     seventy-five per cent. Colored voters, let us help to re-elect these men who
     have done so much for the improvement of our city.
Rev. D. P. Moore, P. E., was called home (Summerfield) on the 11th inst.,
     on account of the death of his eldest daughter, Eva Leola Moore. She died
     on the 10th. She was a devoted Christian. We extend sincere sympathy
     to rev. Moore and family in their hour of grief.
Rev. J. C. Coleman filled his pulpit on last Sunday at Lowryville, Tenn.
Miss J. F. Meredith was in Florence on the 9th and 10th inst.
Misses Katie and Lizzie Peters have closed their schools and Miss Katie
     has re-entered school.
Master Harper has been on the sick list for several days.
Powl Denth, who has been quite sick, is somewhat better.
Rev. Jas. Hampton is constantly passing through this city. So is Rev. A. Troupe.
Miss Sallie Clark closes school this week.
Revs. Northcross, Lesley and Craig filled their appointments as usual on last Sunday.
The editor of the Pleasant Hill Local, published at Pleasant Hill, Mo.,
     speaks in highest terms of Mr. Thomas Nopier [Napier] who died in that
     city a few days ago. He was the son of Mrs. Sophy Watkins, of this city.
     He left a wife, four children and many friends to mourn their loss.
The Walker County Teachers’ Institute convenes at Horse Creek on the 4th
     and 5th of April. An interesting program has been prepared for the occasion.

The American Star
20 mar 1901, p. 2
Editorials and Personals.
We need men, but we cannot expect them from the boys that lay around,
     play marbles, go fishing, etc. They will make tramps, not men. ‑‑‑Huntsville Journal.
Major R. R. Mims, of the 3rd battalion Alabama state troops, died at his home
     in Mobile on the 9th inst., and was buried on the 11th inst., with appropriate
     Masonic honors. At the time of his death he was vice-president of the
     National Letter Carriers’ Association, and was Grand Master of Masons
     for Alabama. In his death the race loses a grand and useful character.
Prof. W. H. Councill, Ph. D., president of the A. & M. College, Normal, Ala.,
     preached an able, logical and common sense sermon at the A. M. E. church
     at Florence on Sunday night, the 10th inst. He appealed to the young men
     to live pure lives; to stay off the streets, to be industrious and economical,
     to respect themselves and others, to do something for mankind and in God’s
     name to be men of real worth and character. This is the kind of preaching
     which our people

The American Star
20 Mar 1901, p. 2
Ladies and Gentlemen, Listen!
[NOTE: This appears to be an advertisement, but it does offer some background information on J. C. Carrouthers.]
I was born in south Alabama near the line of Alabama and Georgia, and was raised in that part of the state. When a boy I was obedient and dutiful to my parents. At the age of 17 years my father was taken from me by death, leaving my mother and six children to be cared for; so I went ahead and made a support for mother and her children. Shortly after this I got married and moved out from mother’s house into my own with a sweet little wife and myself. Soon after that time I came to this part of the state and made some money and bought a home for my wife and self. I professed faith in Christ and joined the Baptist church here and did all the good I could. You are my brothers and sisters in Christ. I have traveled north and south and seen the negro in business and our people pushing the enterprise to the front; so more than a year ago I decided to run a grocery store here I my own city for my own people. So my people, I ask you to help me build up a negro enterprise in Tuscumbia. Come help me? Don’t walk around me? I’ll treat you right. If my people in this section would spend only 5c each per week with me, it would take the largest house in this city to hold my goods. I could then call in your boys and girls to help me. Call on me and help me. I can help you and you can help me in building up a negro enterprise.
                                                                                             J. C. Corruthers,
                                                                                             Tuscumbia, Alabama

The American Star
3 April 1901, p. 1
Master Rufus Bandon is on the sick list.
Miss Nora Griffin was sick a few days last week.
Rev. R. B. Elliott preached at the C. M. E. church last Sunday evening.
Mr. Jack Jackson is quite sick at this writing.
Mrs. H. C. Rowan was on the sick list last week.
Mayor Simpson and the entire old board were re-elected last Monday
     by a large majority. We extend congratulations to the voters of the city
     of Tuscumbia.
The Missionary Society will have an Easter sermon preached by Revs.
     F. Watkins and T. D. Donley, on the first Sunday in April, at St. Paul.
Mrs. V. Murphy made a flying trip to Russellville on the 25th ult.
The illustrated temperance lectures delivered to the city schools on the
     25th and 26th ult., by Mrs. S. A. Chace, of Dayton, Tenn., were indeed
     interesting and helpful.
Rev. G. Jackson, of Jasper, stepped in to see the editor on last Saturday night.
The concert given at the Friendship Hall last Thursday night was quite a success.
Appropriate Easter services will be conducted next Sunday at the C. M. E. and
     A. M. E. churches, respectively.
The city school will close on the 17th prox. A few distinguished characters will
     speak to our people on that occasion.
Miss L. K. Brown is up, after a severe attack of fever.
Jas. Allen, of Illinois visited friends in the city last week.
Henry Keller, who was struck by a drunken white man a few days ago,
     is doing nicely at this writing.
Mrs. Jane Hicks is on the sick list at this writing.
Miss Zora Hampton went home last week on account of sickness.
     She is a faithful pupil of the city school
Miss D. Winston was on the sick list last week.
Stay away from the “merry-go-round,” boys, save your nickels.
Misses J. B. Towns, S. E. Clark and M. A. Ross are all at home again,
     their schools having closed.
Miss Mattie McCarrison, of Florence, was in the city on the 23d ult.
The review by Supt. Steele at the Baptist Sunday school last Sunday
     was quite interesting.

The American Star
17 April 1901, p. 1
We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. E. Curruthers upon the arrival of a fine baby boy.
T. Midgit and Misses M. C. Cooper and L. K. Brown enjoyed a nice drive Easter Sunday.
The A. M. E.’s raised $17 and some cents on Easter.
Master Rufus Brandon is still very sick.
Mr. Jack Jackson is better at this writing.
Arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abbott on Monday morning, a little
     daughter. Mother and baby doing well.
Masters H. Jones and James Baily spent Easter at their homes, Suka [sic - Iuka?]
     and Cherokee, Ala., respectively.
Mrs. P. B. Goodler, [sic – Goodloe] of Cherokee, spent the 8th instant in the city.
Borne to Mr. and Mrs. H. Bynum, a fine girl. Accept congratulations.
The several churches of the city were beautifully decorated on Easter Sunday
     and appropriate services were held in each.
Mr. Bob Jackson died at the home of his aunt on Saturday night.
     He had been sick several days.
Mr. Wm. Handy [should be Hardy?] visited his son’s in Birmingham last week.
Miss Mamie Ross is on the sick list.
Mrs. E. Kidd and Mr. W. Slaughter, of Sheffield, attended services in the city Easter.
The Immaculates had their annual sermon on Easter at the C. M. E. church.
     Quite a number were in attendance Rev. Lesley preached an excellent sermon.
Presiding Elder Moore and Rev. Craig were entertained at tea at the home of
     Mr. and Mrs. P. Brown Sr., on last Friday evening.
We are glad to see Mr. Robert Jones out after several days illness.
Mr. Rob Morgan is spending a few days in the city.
The Gazetta Club will give an entertainment at Mr. Cary Goodloe’s this
     Wednesday, evening. All are invited.
Rev. D. P. Moore, P. E., has recently visited Anniston and Birmingham.
Rev. J. C. Coleman filled his pulpit at Lowryville, Tenn., last Sunday.
Quarterly conference was held at the A. M. E. church Sunday, and
     Rev. Moore, P. E., preached most acceptable to all who heard him.
Miss Lizzie Peters left for Nashville on last Wednesday, where she will
      spend several weeks.
Mr. Wilson Slaughter is making some improvements around his home
Miss E. E. James attended the State Teachers’ Association at Birmingham
     last week. Prof. B.J. Sterling, of Sheffield, addressed the city school a
     few days ago.
Please pay your subscription.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Everlena M. Johnson,
     of Courtland, to Mr. Jos. Smith. We acknowledge invitation to attend
     the same on April 25th. We extend congratulations before hand.
The editor is under many obligations to Revs. Walker and E. W. Williams
     and families for the many courtesies extended him while attending the
     State Teachers’ Association in Birmingham last week. Their wives
     certainly know how to make it pleasant for visitors, God bless them.
The Alabama State Teachers’ Association held a profitable session at
     Birmingham last week. The meeting was well attended. The following
     gofficers [sic] were elected: Prof. G. S. Lewis, President; G. W. Trenholm,
     recording secretary, Tuscumbia; Prof. R. D. Hunt, Corresponding Secretary,
     Huntsville; Prof. S. E. Moses, Treasurer, Anniston. Nine vice presidents
     were elected, representing the nine congressional districts in the state.
     The meeting was indeed inspiring and helpful. The next meeting will be at
     Decatur in April next year.
The second quarterly conference of the C. M. E. church, Tuscumbia, Ala.,
     will convene on April 27 and 28., Rev. V. Washington, P. E.,
     Bro. W. P. Brown, Sec., and Rev. R. E. Lestey, [sic – Lesley?] pastor.
     All are invited to attend.

The American Star
1 May 1901, p. 1

Mr. Wm. Harris spent Sunday before last among friends in Russellville.
Rev. J. C. Coleman preached at Cherokee on the 21st ult.
Miss Fanny Newsome visited friends at Leighton o the 19th and 20th Ult.
Mrs. Nail is building a new residence. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Robinson are
     doing the same.
We are glad to not that Mrs. Mary Bradley, who has been quite sick,
     is now improving.
Prof. H. E. Levi, B. D., Principal, N. A. B. A., Courtland, Ala., stepped
     in to see us on last Saturday. We are always glad to have the
     professor with us.
Rev. T. R. Ricks spent last Sunday in Russellville.
Mr. Wm. Gist is erecting a neat store house near his home.
Mr. B. J. Horton, of Decatur, was in the city on the 28th ult., seeking to
     set up a K. of P. Lodge in this town.
Rev. V. Washington, P. E. held quarterly conference at the C. M. E. church
     last Sunday. The meeting was quite interesting. His preaching was able,
     thoughtful and touching.
Rev. Geo. W. Dudley, the evangelist of Texarkana, Tex., is in the city
     conducting a week’s meeting at the Baptist church.
Miss Julia Hubbort took quite sick last week while here.
Mr. F. H. Hubbort is through planting. He is a good farmer. He paid his
      subscription Saturday.
Mr. B. C. Carter was in the city on the 20th and 21st ult.
Rev. G. W. Stokes and R. B. Elliott visited and addressed the city
     school on April 17th.
Miss J. B. Towns returned to the city on the 20th ult. After having spent
     several days in Florence visiting Rev. and Mrs. Edmondson.
Rev. James Hampton, of Russellville, preached an excellent sermon on
     Sunday night, April 21st, at the Baptist church.
Rev. Craig addressed the city school quite acceptable o April 22nd, and
     spent a part of the day inspecting the different departments. Come again!
Mr. Joe Frierson died on April 20th and his funeral was attended from the
     Baptist church on the following day.
All are cordially invited to attend the public school annual commencement
     sermon on May 12th at 11 a.m. at the A. M. E. church. Every self-respecting
     colored person in Tuscumbia should attend this important service and also
     the Temperance anniversary at night.
Messrs. Wash Elliott, Chas. Roberson and the editor spent a part of Sunday,
     April 21st, in Florence.
Mr. E. W. Linsey and Miss Effie O. Trenholmdistinguished themselves
     “as two hearts that beat as one” on last Sunday night at Calera, Ala.,
     Rev. W. T. Bibb, B. D., officiating. They received a number of valuable
     presents. We extend congratulations.
We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the closing exercises
     of the John F. Slater school at Florence on May 2d and 3d. The closing
     exercises promise to be first class in every respect.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J Sykes, of Decatur, are all smiles. It is a sweet little girl
     named Julia Meredith in honor of Miss J. F. Meredith of this city.
Mr. James Smith and Miss E. M. Johnson, of Courtland, were married in high
     style on the night of the 25th ult. Quite a number of friends were present
     from both far and near to witness the occasion. They received many handsome
     and valuable presents. The bride in all respects is an excellent young lady,
     and at the time of her marriage was one of the leading teachers of Lawrence
     county. We wish them happy and prosperous voyage on the matrimonial sea.
Rev. D. P. Moore has gotten out excellent minutes for the North Alabama
     annual conference of the A. M. E. church. The Presiding Elder is pushing
     his district to the front. His ministers love him and he makes an excellent
     Presiding Elder.
Those who owe this paper should pay the amount at one. We have to pay
     our bills promptly, and unless you do your duty, it places us at a great
     disadvantage. We are giving you a good paper and it is taking money
     to do so. New papers can’t run on promises, therefore, please pay your
     bills and subscription.
For real good and nice shoes in all grades go to N. J. Sampson.

The American Star
15 May 1901, p. 1
Please pay your subscription.
Attend the concert at the city school house tonight. Admission 10 cents.
Rev. D. P. More, P. E., is visiting his family at Sommerfield this week.
Don’t miss the graduating exercise tomorrow night at the A. M. E. Church.
Rev. Northcross and Mr. Geo. Davidson were elected delegates to the
     Minister’s and Deacon’s Union which met at Courtland last week.
The Public School Alumni Association meets on Friday night at the
     A. M. E. Church. Everybody should attend.
Don’t fail to attend the examinations at the public school this week.
     Your children will enjoy your presence.
Misses D. Winston, N. Griffin, Z. Deloney and K. A. Peterson deserve
     much credit for the beautiful chairs which they have placed in the
     public school library.
The Baptist Sunday school is moving along nicely under the management
     of Mr. J. B. Steele Some much needed improvements have recently been
     made on the inside of the public school building.
The Eastern Star, managed by Mesdames Cherry Brown, F. A. James and
     Julia A. Robertson, raised $14.50 on the 27th ult.
This city is a gold bug‑‑‑you get the idea.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Slaughter are all smiles---it is a fine girl.
Prof. B. J. Sterling was in the city on the 9th.
Mr. Henry Kirk has a fine chance of strawberries. He is selling them daily.
Mrs. L. B. Meredith, Mrs. B. Finley and Mrs. John Owen have recently been
     on the sick list, but they are now convalescent.
The teachers’ meeting was a success last Saturday evening at the Baptist church.
Harper is very grateful to uncles Ross and John for nice presents.
Mrs. Thompkins is on the sick list at this writing.
Teachers of public schools will please call around at J. N. Sampson’s.
The commencement sermon at the A. M. E. Church Sunday morning by
     P. E. Moore was indeed thoughtful, strong and to the point.
This paper is not published weekly, but bi-weekly, that is, every two weeks.
     It is published promptly. If you fail to get it, drop us a postal card.
Mr. George H. Brown came in from Cincinnati, Ohio, last Sunday morning to
     witness the school closing and to spend a few weeks with home folk.
J. N. Sampson, of Tuscumbia, is ouw [sic – now] receiving a beautiful line of
     Spring Goods. Everything first-class and at lowest cash prices. You are
     cordially invited to call around.
The G. U. O. of O. F. turned out last Sunday evening in high style.
     Rev. Wm. Craig preached the annual sermon and it was the sermon of his life.
Though the weather was unfavorable last Sunday the commencement sermon
     and temperance anniversary were a success. The speakers did themselves
     [paper torn] credit.
Mr. William H. Wadde is running a dray in this city and has paid license for this
     year. He would be glad for all the colored people to patronize him. He is prompt
     and always ready to serve the public.

The American Star
15 May 1901, p. 2
We regret to learn that there are thirty or more cases of small pox at Florence,
but at the writing it is under good control. Among those who have it is Rev. N. L. Edmondson, pastor of the A. M. E. Church there. His members, so we are informed,
have provided a special and private pest house for him so he is being well cared for.

The American Star
29 May 1901, p. 1
Two of our young men went fishing last week and caught chickens.
     Odd luck, wasn’t it?
Miss Mamie Ross is visiting Knoxville, Tenn.
Misses Julia and Annie Finley are on the sick list.
Mrs. B. Merdith [sic – Meredith] is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds continue to improve their home.
Master Malcom Fry is visiting in Memphis.
Mr. Tilman Cooper’s family is sick at this writing.
Rev. J. C. Coleman was called to Athens to attend the funeral of his father
     on the 22nd inst. We extend sympathy.
We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Cero Murphy upon the arrival of a fine boy.
Miss E. E. James came home last week.
Mrs. R. B. Frye left for Chattanooga on last Friday.
Mr. Jack Jackson died on the 19th inst., after several months illness.
Miss J. F. Meridith [sic] attended the closing exercises at Normal.
Mrs. Laboo, of Sheffield, stepped in to see us last week. We enjoyed her visit.
Ulysses Young is on the sick list.
Through the efforts of Mrs. Jessie Bentley the A. M. E. pulpit has a beautiful lamp.
Mr. G. H. Brown left Monday night for Cincinnati, O.
Messrs. Thomas, Allen, Tony and Burgess, of Roger Williams University
     passed through the city last week en route to Russelville. [sic] Mr. Burgess
     returned to Nashville Sunday.
Mrs. A. K. Robinson is quite sick at this writing.
Rev. H. S. Thompson, of Birmingham, will have a special letter in the next
     issue on Sunday school work in the state.‑‑‑Ed.
Miss E. E. James, who has been teaching in the public schools at
     Gadsden for several months, has returned to her home. Her many friends
     are glad to see her.
At this writing Normal is having one of the grandest commencements in the history
     of the A. and M. College. Dr. Councill and his able faculty are doing the race
     untold good.
Miss J. F. Meredith and Editor Trenholm are now in attendance at the A. and M.
     College commencement, Normal, Ala.
Dr. W. H. Councill, president of the A. and M. College, has addressed an able
     letter in behalf of negro education to the constitutional convention which is
     now in session at Montgomery, Ala. Prof. Councill never fails to put in a manly
     plea for his race whenever he can. He deserves the thanks of the entire race.
Rev. J. W. Oliver, of Courtland, writes that he enjoys reading the Star and that
     he is well pleased with it.
While attending the closing exercises of the N. A. B. A., at Courtland last week,
     the editor was nicely entertained at the pleasant home of Prof. and Mrs. H. H.
     Stewart, for which he is very grateful. Prof. Stewart is one of the oldest and
     best teachers in Alabama. He holds a life certificate. He is justice of the
     peace there and has recently accepted a federal appointment, of which we
     shall speak more explicitly in the near future.


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