CSA Companies Raised in Choctaw County, Alabama

Compiled by Ann Harwell Gay

Co. B 1st Alabama Infantry "The Griffin Rifles", Jonas Griffin, Capt. resigned later became Co. C 54th Alabama Infantry, C. C. McCall, Capt.

Co. C 22nd Alabama Infantry "The Brownrigg Rifles/Brownrigg Warriors/Choctaw
Warriors" Abner Gaines, Capt. KIA/ Shiloh; Thomas McCarroll Prince, Jr. Capt.

Co. G 23rd Alabama Infantry "The Choctaw Rebels", J. G. Yates, Capt., resigned

Co. F 32nd Alabama Infantry Thomas S. Fry, Capt.; H.S. Smith's Company

Co. C 38th Alabama Volunteers "The Dixie Rifles", James L. Lenoir, Capt.

Co. D 40th Alabama Infantry "The Fielder Rifles", A. G. Campbell, Capt.

Co. E 40th Alabama Infantry "The Woodward Rifles", Edmund Marsh, Capt,
KIA near Resaca, GA.

Co. F 40th Alabama Infantry , Thomas Wilkes Coleman, Capt.

Co. C 54th Alabama Infantry, see Co. B 1st Alabama Infantry

Co. F 54th Alabama Infantry "The Andy Moore Guards", Joshua Morse, Capt.

Co. A 3rd Alabama Cavalry "The Ruffin Dragoons/Ruffin Rangers" Frank Young Gaines, Capt.

Home Guard Companies:

South Choctaw Volunteers, an Independent Company of Alabama Volunteers, F. M. Strudwick , Capt.

Warlock Guards, an Independent Company of Alabama Volunteers, Wiley Burgess, Capt.

Choctaw County Minute Men,    Co. E 103rd Alabama Infantry
W. H. Felts?, Capt?; Frank Barber, Ord. Sgt.

Many Choctaw Countians fought in these companies and others raised in other counties and in Mississippi:

Co. C 8th Alabama Cavalry, "Ball-Hatch", James V. Tutt, Capt.

Co. K 15th Confederate Cavalry, also known as First Alabama and Florida
Cavalry, James White and John McKellar, Capt.

Co. I Independent Alabama Cavalry, a detached Cavalry Company, Thomas M. LeNoir, Capt.

Sources: CSA materials at Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery:
Muster Rolls, Regimental Histories, CSA Notebooks (typed information)
Brewer, Willis. Alabama, her history, resources, war record and public men
from 1540 to 1872. Tuscaloosa, Willo Pub. Co., 1964 (reprint)

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