1860 Census
Choctaw County, Alabama

by Ken Sikes

The list consist of 6750 names. Choctaw county was divided into two sections during this census, Twps 9,10,11,12 and the northern district. Twps 9,10,11,12 used Bladen Springs Post Office, while the Northern District use Mt. Sterling, Butler, Pelham, Tompkinsville, Desotoville, Pushmattaha, and Rasserville. The format I used to enter the names is as follows;

1. last name
2. first name
3. middle name
4. sex
5. age
6. birthplace
7. head of household (H) or member of household (M)
8. mcd (minnor civil division Twps 9,10,11,12,=1 northern district =2)
9. post office ( I assigned number to these so I would'nt have to keep typing them)
10. page number
11. line number ( this is only for head of household and any one with a different surname in the household)
12. soundex
13. family number

A-B-C- D-E-F- G-H-I- J-K-L- M-N-O- P-Q-R- S-T-U- V-W-X-Y Z
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